Living History Events
Sometimes a person already has an idea of a dream blade they want. I know from my own experiance that some types of historical blades are very hard to come by. Since I enoy ren faires, I have decided to start setting up a forge at some of them near Fort Wayne Indiana.
I have been making replica’s for re-enactors for a few years. There have been times a person contacts me for help in finding a blade that fit’s their personea. We talk about their choosen time and place, and we research what was available for that period, giving the cleint more background on the topic. They decide what they would like done, and we usually have it made for them in about 6 months.
I have included a close up of my display table showing a few of my blades I had for sale. in the lower portion you can see some tent stakes.My son Sean powering the bellows. This is a period wood and leather bellows, similar to those used by blacksmiths in the middle ages in most areas of Europe. The assembly is about 7 foot long and 4 foot wide. to the right you can see my anvil. Look for our sign at Fair’s in Ohio, Michigan or Indiana. We would like to meet with you and talk about your needs. Remember that we do general blacksmithing as well as blades.